How To Make New Terminals Have Diffferent Background Colors

I often have multiple terminal windows open at once and want them to have different backgrounds so that I can more easily differentiate between them. This is how I made it happen with iTerm2 and zsh.

Iterm2 allows us to change the background color on the command line using escape codes described here.

echo -e "\033]1337;SetColors=bg=522\a"

The -e option expands the escape codes. 522 is the specified color in RGB format with three hex digits. You can read more about what the escape codes mean here. Because I knew I wasn’t going to remember how that command worked, I put that command in a function set-iterm2-background with named variables to document how it works.
I then created function cycle-background that randomly sets the background color to one in the RGB range 222-999 to set limits on brightness. Smaller numbers represent brighter colors and larger, darker. 000 is white and fff is black.

### appearance #######################################

function set-iterm2-background() { 
	echo "setting iterm2 background color $1"
	# The following formats are accepted:
	# RGB (three hex digits, like fff)
	# RRGGBB (six hex digits, like f0f0f0)
	# cs:RGB (like RGB but cs gives a color space)
	# cs:RRGGBB (like RRGGBB but cs gives a color space)

	## iterm2 has escape codes that let you config on the cli 
	echo -e "${INTRO_IT2};SetColors=${background}=${1}${BELL_ALERT_CHAR}" 

function cycle-background() {
	# echo -e for expand esc chars, behavior depends on terminal
	let "MINIMUM = 222"
	let "MAXIMUM = 777"
	set-iterm2-background $(( $RANGE * $RANDOM / 32767 + $MINIMUM))


Note about zsh

Initially, I tried setting ZSH_THEME="random" in my .zshrc, but found that none of the pre-installed themes configured the background color. They just all assumed a dark background. It is possible to change the background color using zsh. I just decided against that route.